Earth Rots Underfoot

COMA, Sydney
COMA is pleased to present Earth Rots Underfoot. Using Albrecht Durer’s Knight, the Devil and Death as a starting point, Earth Rots Underfoot addresses grand notions present in medieval and art and their recurrence in contemporary visual practices.

“In order that you may not be deterred from the path of virtue because it seems rough and dreary ... and because you must constantly fight three unfair enemies—the flesh, the devil, and the world—this third rule shall be proposed to you: all of those spooks and phantoms which come upon you as if you were in the very gorges of Hades must be deemed for naught after the example of Virgil’s Aeneas ... Look not behind thee.” - Erasmus’s Instructions for the Christian Soldier (Enchiridion militis Christiani), published in 1504.

Artists included are Guy Grabowsky, Jamie North, Kai Wasikowski and Justin Williams.

Other Media:

The Image 2018
framed C-type photograph
180 x 250 cm

© Copyright Guy Grabowsky (2025 – )